
You may browse our current selection of vintage & designer costume jewlery in our shop.

Welcome to the Astor Galleries blog! We hope to share our knowledge and love of vintage costume jewelry with you and help you discover what pieces are of value.We are excited to share our passion for these exquisite and timeless pieces, and to bring you insights and stories about the vintage jewelry we have dealt with over our 40 years of service.

Here at Astor Galleries, we have a deep appreciation for the craftsmanship, artistry, and history behind each piece of vintage costume jewelry. Our collection features a wide range of styles and eras, from the elegant Art Deco designs of the 1920’s to the bold and colorful pieces of the 1960’s and beyond.

Through this blog, we will be exploring topics such as the history and evolution of costume jewelry, famous designers and makers, and tips for collecting and caring for your own vintage pieces. Join us on this journey through the world of vintage costume jewelry, and let's explore the glamour and charm of the past together!

You may browse our current selection of vintage & designer costume jewlery in our shop.


Christian Dior